Thursday, June 20, 2024

Mothers Get Out Free - TG Caption

Art by Ginhaha

Mothers Get Out Free

    "Aaron, there is a way we can get you out of here, I figured it might be worth offering to you." Aaron was in jail for petty crime, nothing massive but enough to get him a few years. His parole officer came to him with a solution, and naturally, he would do anything to be truly free.
    "Anything! Anything at all! What do I need to do?" His eyes lit up at the thought. No more days in a cell, no more harassment from his fellow prisoners, no more loneliness!
    "Well... the government is willing to let you go if you... become a mother." A mother? As in... a literal woman?
    "A mom? How? Why? That doesn't make any sense." Aaron looked down at his body, obviously it couldn't carry a child... right?
    "So, the government can change your gender. New tech, great for the under population issue. And, if you take that offer and you're on good behavior with me we can let you out, to some degree. You don't have to stay that way forever. You can always opt out." Becoming a mom? Just to be free? Was it worth the trouble?
    "I... I don't have to stay that way forever right? And I can always opt out? I'm in." Aaron sealed the deal and signed a contract. From here on out Aaron was gone, at least for the time being. He would be spending the next couple weeks at Alisha, trying to have a child with her own parole officer, Sam.
Adjusting to his new body was rough, and he wasn't entirely free. He got a better place to stay than before though, and he was finally free of those prisoners. The training with his officer was difficult, he liked him but it was all so much to take in, and when they started getting physical? It was... nerve-wracking, to say the least. But the two of them got used to it as it became a daily act.
    "You've really gotten good at this, I can feel it's the one..." Sam made casual observations as if their situation was completely natural. He did his best to pleasure her good but quickly every time, and Alisha had taken quite the liking to it after he broke her in.
    "Oooh!" Sam came in his client as he had done for the past almost couple weeks, and she gave out as she recovered from the orgasmic light of sex.
    "So, good news! You're pregnant!" Two weeks passed, and right on time they got her the result she had been looking for. With this she was free to live a new life, with only the responsibility of raising a child. Something she imagined doing at some point, but not like this... or as the mother. The issue now was her lack of support or money or... anywhere to go. Life was going to be really difficult on her own if she up and left Sam now but... that was the deal, he got her out, that was enough. "The best I can do for you now is offer you stay with me for the time being, what do you say?"
    "That... that would be great, I think I'll do that." Alisha took what few things she had and made the necessary preparations to live with her officer... or whatever they were now. The thought did make her blush a little bit, she did like him, but like that? Maybe, maybe not. He seemed to be fond of her, if nothing else. It was a weird experience, from petty criminal to a fawned after beautiful woman... and mother. Regardless, him offering her the opportunity to stay with him until she got up on her feet was a nice sentiment, and a life saver, if they were being honest.
    Sam opened the door to his place revealing... a bunch of other women! "Welcome!"One girl was already ready to greet her, taking her things and taking them... somewhere. The other women turned to see her and made their way over, looking her up and down. "Hey new girl, you're cute!" One of the girls commented, walking around her nodding her head. "I think we'll get along just fine!" Another girl said and clapped her hands together, seemingly excited to welcome another woman into their... harem, of sorts.
    "Heh... I forgot to mention them to you, sorry honey!"

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