Saturday, June 22, 2024

A Shift in The Power Dynamic - TG Caption


A Shift In The Power Dynamic

    Derek was the football team star, period. He was the first thing that came to mind when anyone at the college thought of a "man's man." So naturally, becoming a woman, something he saw as weak in his limited world view, would have been an absolute nightmare for him. To lose football? His bros? His awesome body he put so much work into? That would be the worst. So he was lucky when the great shift happened and he wasn't so unfortunate to become a woman. He ended up in a body his age, in a man's body... although calling it a "man's body" might have been a bit of an exaggeration.
    "Derek" was now in an effeminate little body. That of a boy who could pass for a woman with ease. His immediate reaction was to begin working out harder than he ever had in his life, but the limits he faced were frustrating. What used to be easy was now the most difficult workout he had ever done. Not only had his loss of strength devastated him, but the way he interacted with women now did too. At best they thought him cute, but they most definitely weren't searching him out or falling head over heels for his perfect specimen of a body. They almost treated him like one of them if he ever joined in talking to a group of girls, and it frustrated him.
    Derek thought he could continue playing on the football team, and sure enough he tried. He figured that, while not as strong he still understood how to play the game. Maybe if he proved how good he still was then he could earn back some dominance over others. Unfortunately, he couldn't pull that off either. At best they would let him bring water to the real men on the team, but that wasn't the position he wanted. He couldn't leave football behind though, his passion... so he continued attending practice, and going to games, but he didn't serve any purpose there, they didn't need him, it was painful. Although one day, while feeling bad for himself in the locker room post-game, one of his teammates came up to him with a new calling.
    "You know Derek... I'm not gay or nothin' but your pretty cute." He put both of his large hands around Derek's cute little ass. Any exercise he had been getting went down there anyways. "You might not be our star player anymore, but do you maybe want to... help me out?" His bulge, one that dwarfed not only Derek's own cute little dick, but everything else about him, pressed against his lower back. Being in the hands of a real man... made Derek feel feelings he had never felt before. Giving into a man? Wasn't that gay? Was Derek gay now? No, he just... wanted to help out the team, that was all. Yeah, help out the team... so Derek turned around, looking up at his old teammate, steeling himself for what was to come.
    "Maybe... what did you have in mind?
    Weeks had passed since Derek's sexual awakening that day. Derek was still a boy, but hardly thought himself as anything more than a sissy that gained loads of pleasure from helping out the real men after every game. He started taking hormones, and grew out his hair to match his feminine frame. He wore woman's clothing and got some piercings he thought were cute, something he would have liked before he changed. He generally went by Erika around the school, and nobody really thought of herself as anything more than the football team's little girlfriend. The sweat on their skin, the pent-up frustration they released on her at the end of the day, it was her new purpose, everything she ever wanted after being put into such a frail and horny body. Supporting the team, the ones that used to serve under her and follow her lead, it was.. arousing. Erika went to every game, watching as her old teammates did what she couldn't and spent half of the time fantasizing about what those big guys would do to her later. So of course she said yes when a talent scout came to her during one of their games, asking if she wanted to join the cheer team. It wouldn't be long till Erika became the schools first "male" cheer captain.

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