Monday, June 24, 2024

You've Come A Long Way - TG Caption


You've Come A Long Way

    You weren't sure what to do with yourself after the great shift put you in a woman's body. It was alienating and you denied the reality of things by hiding away. But life does go on, and many other shift victims had moved on, one way or another. Some accepted their new bodies, while some worked on a way to reverse things. Others transitioned, some tried to change back to who they were before, some remained the way they ended up. But family and friends did eventually find you and reach out. You had to make a decision as to what you would do next, eventually.
    And so, you decided to at least get in to some sort of regular routine. You had gained some weight in your time of grieving, so every morning you went out for a run. You would take a job if the market wasn't such a mess at the time, alongside you still being uncomfortable in public. With working out and fixing up your hygiene came acceptance of your new body. Putting effort into the way it looked and it's cleanliness made it feel like your own more than it ever had before. As time went on you began to notice less and less when people referred to you with feminine pronouns in public. You got used to buying and wearing women's sizes, and wearing a bra became as natural as wearing underwear had been before. Being a woman, something you had previously thought both impossible to happen and definitely impossible to accept, had naturally happened to you.
    You registered with a new name, a woman's name, and the gender on your ID had changed. You weren't who you were before, you were a new person, someone who after months of denial finally sculpted themself into something they could be proud of. A strong, happy, independent woman, same as any other. All of what came with a woman's body became natural as if you had always been the person you were now.
    Jump ahead to now, you look at yourself in the reflection of the elevator. Makeup done, hair perfect, outfit sexy and cute but not too much! You were here to hook up with a guy, yes, a guy! You hadn't been into men before but the dynamic it gave the new you was so arousing... so right. And so you found a man worthy of your attention and set a place and time, his apartment, tonight. And maybe if your lucky he'll be worth sticking with, more than someone to have a good time with, someone to stay with a long time. You sure had come a long way, and you were about to truly take the final step into becoming who you were meant to be.

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