Wednesday, June 26, 2024

A New Daughter (Part 4) - TGAR Caption


 A New Daughter (Part 4)

     "Wake up Lexi! You're going to be late if you don't start getting ready now!" Her wife- or, her "mom" woke her up from the first good day of sleep she had in a while.

    "Urghhh..." Lexi twisted and turned, not wanting to leave the comfort of her bed and the escapism of sleep.

    "You're going to be late for your little play date! Get up!" That got on Lexi's nerves, she forgot about that.

    "What?! It isn't a play date, don't get the wrong idea. Don't treat me like a child either!" These sort of interactions had been happening often, Lexi didn't know if Karen got a kick out of teasing her or what. It had been a few days since Lexi's first day at this a new school, or school period for that matter. And the weekend had finally come, she could finally relax! If not for the fact that her new friend of sorts, Kiara, had asked her to go to the mall with her today. Kiara had complemented Lexi, but when they got on the topic of fashion, which she seemed so interested in, she realized that Lexi wasn't taught the ways of womanly fashion and beauty. And as such, she insisted they go out shopping together, which meant Karen was driving Lexi to the mall to meet up with her today. Lexi didn't know how to feel about the whole thing. She really shouldn't be holed up in the house but it felt like with each passing day she was becoming more of a "girl" and she didn't like it... or at least it was some uncomfortable feeling in the back of her mind. Going out and buying... women's clothing, hell, dresses? She did need new things to wear though... Bea was out with friends so she wouldn't come, which was probably for the best, Lexi would feel better doing this all herself. So Lexi got ready with the little bit of makeup Bea left out for her to use, and left with her "mom" for the mall.

    "Lexi! I can't wait, we're going to get you the cutest outfits! I'll see them here, but I better see you wearing them later too!" Kiara enthusiastically dragged Lexi around with her as they went from store to store, display to display. Lexi found it hard to accept that... she was actually having a lot of fun. Going around with a friend and imagining how they would look in different outfits. She came to accept that, yeah, she was cute, Kiara was right. And so things got even more enjoyable as they started trying things on. After picking out a few things she though was cute, Kiara had Lexi put them on, and Lexi felt a pang in her chest each time she got a good look at herself in the mirror. A mix of pain from the thought that she was getting used to the sight, and excitement over how well she pulled each look off. After a long day of trying on outfits, Lexi had accumulated more than enough outfits to last her a while, and makeup of her own that Kiara said would look good on her, but she was already imagining what the next thing she would get would be...

    "That dress looks so good on you! I don't know why you were hesitant about wearing it before..." Lexi wore out one of the dresses she bought. At first she didn't want to wear anything with a skirt outside of school, but after this half of her closet consisted of them. The breezy feeling they gave, and the way that it swayed by her legs, the way that she looked in the mirror when wearing one, she had really come around on skirts. If Kiara liked it, would everyone else at school think the same? She pushed that thought from her mind as she got in Kiara's mom's car and headed home. Bea and Karen were going to be in for quite the surprise, with all the cute things she got.

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