Saturday, June 15, 2024

A New Daughter (Part 3) - TGAR Caption


A New Daughter (Part 3)

    Lexi sat down in the back of her first class. She didn't really want to draw too much attention to herself, this was going to be only temporary anyways if things worked out. Still, she was a cute girl, so of course she got some looks from her classmates here and there. Before class could start a girl sat down next to her.
    "Well I guess we're the only girls back here!" It took Lexi a moment to register that she was talking to her, since she really hadn't been called a "girl" up until this point, but of course other people just thought she was a normal young woman.
    "Huh? Oh, uh, yeah I guess so." Lexi turned to her new neighbor, a cheery brunette girl with braided hair. She seemed nice enough but Lexi wasn't really sure what to say to her, she didn't really know "girl" small talk.
    "Your makeup is really pretty, and really subtle! I love it." The specifics of her makeup and how it was put on was something Lexi didn't really understand herself. She payed attention as much as she could to Bea, but still, it was a lot to take in.
    "Oh, thanks, my dau-uh, my big sister did it for me." Lexi wasn't entirely comfortable with referring to Bea as her big sister, but she sure did act like it now that she was her biological (supposedly) younger sister.
    "Well I think she did a really good job! You're cute! My name is Kiara, want to be friends?" Lexi had never had anyone try to make friends with her well complimenting her appearance, so it was jarring, but she accepted the nicety.
    "...Sure, I guess, I'm Lexi." Lexi didn't really set out to make friends, but as the day went on she did get to know a few other people, including Kiara, who just so happened to share a lot of classes with her. She was a nice girl, all and all, so she felt bad that eventually Lexi wouldn't be her friend to talk to in class anymore.
    "So Lexi, how was your first day?" Bea met up with her new younger sister in the hallway as they made their way home from school.
    "It was... whatever." Lexi didn't want to think too much on it all, it didn't really matter anyways.
    "Make any new friends?" Friend? Lexi had to reflect on the day. She didn't want to admit she was worried what everyone else thought of her, but at the end of the day nothing crazy really happened. A lot of kids just keep to themselves, but she did have some people who complimented her or tried to make small talk, among Kiara.
    "What? That's a weird question to ask. I guess some of the kids were nice."
    "I knew they would love you! You're so cute like this Lexi."
    "You can call me dad, you know." Lexi liked her name a little bit, but she didn't want her family to get too settled in to the circumstances.
    "At school? No way! And anyways, mom wanted me to just call you Lexi or my little sister." She did have a point on that front, calling a teen girl dad would be strange in any scenario. Why did his wife not want Bea to call Lexi "dad" though?
    "That's ridiculous. Whatever though, you're right, someone might hear us."
    "Yup! So now I have a cute little sister who's gonna be beloved by everyone at the school, just you wait!" Bea gave her sister a big hug. At least one of them was excited for Lexi going to school.
    "Shut up!" Lexi poked back playfully. "I don't want to be popular anyways, that's stupid."
    "Your blush says otherwise!"
    "That's just because you're teasing me! And the blush you put on me earlier. Whatever, lets go home, I'm sure you have some homework to do as well."

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