Thursday, February 1, 2024

TG Caption: A Long Time Since

A Long Time Since

    "Arin? Oh my gosh, how are you?!"
    It had been a long time since Arin and Bea saw each other, five years in fact. They were ex-boyfriend and girlfriend, although there was more to them, they used to BE each other.
    "Bea? I'm doing well, how about you? Its been a while."
    It was hard for them to adjust at first. There was no way to reverse the great swap, so they had to make some really big decisions. They took on each others names, but what were they? Friends? Lovers? It was hard to say, and so, they fell out of contact as they tried to go on with life.
    "You've changed a lot since we last saw each other..." She said with a subtle blush. "But I guess that goes for both of us, huh?"
    Bea had a hard time at first, becoming a women means a whole lot of new things are thrust into your life. Of course, she didn't have to be like a stereotypical woman, but like many others, she was inclined to with time. Her mannerisms were completely feminine these days, her entire friend group was female. Bea couldn't imagine being the way she was when she was a boy anymore.
    "You're telling me, you're stunning Bea! You've really taken up your female identity, huh?"
    Arin had an easier time with becoming the man he is today. No need to learn any new skills, conversation became more blunt, if anything, the only thing he had to adjust to was a mans body and what that entailed. The biggest surprise for Arin was the way he felt now around women. Shy, at first, but as he built confidence, he had become quite the ladies man, after all, he knew what they wanted.
    "So, Arin are you uhhh...." Bea couldn't quite get her question out, it was an odd one to ask, after all this time. You would think they would be more comfortable around each other
    "Yeah... I hope that isn't too weird to ask!" She stuttered a bit, embarrassed at what she just asked, butterflies in her stomach, it felt just like first love.
    "Sure am! I take it you are too if you're asking? Why don't we go get coffee sometime, catch up?" Arin had more confidence than Bea could ever remember having as a guy. It was... attractive
    "That would be so nice! Here, lets exchange numbers, I'll call you later!"
    And just like that two people, a man and woman who used to be the opposite find themselves in a relationship again, in bodies they very well might be better suited to. Maybe they were meant to be.

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