Saturday, June 8, 2024

Plan Failed - TG Caption

Plan Failed

    Carson had fallen victim to his step-sister's spell. After a drawn out argument over which of them had it easier, she had decided to punish him by swapping their bodies. Unbeknownst to him, Haley had intended to swap the two of them out from the beginning. She had grown tired of her weak, sexy body and wanted to take a more... dominant role in a relationship. She thought that swapping bodies with her new brother and turning him into a submissive slut was the perfect way to go about this! But Carson didn't take to all of this so easily. Sure, she pressured him into doing things for her with the threat of them never swapping back, but nothing had happened a week in, much to her frustration. The largest development coming when she returned home from week one day that weekend...
    "What the hell is going on here?!" Haley came home to the sight of Carson in a skimpy bikini looking up at some guy she had never seen before.
    "Oh, hey "bro." Meet my boyfriend, this is Camden. Camden, this is my step-brother... Carson." Boyfriend?! Where did Carson find the time to meet this guy? She was only gone living her life as Carson for a little while each day.
    "Woah, wait." Haley pulled Carson away from his new boyfriend to tell him off. "What are you doing with my body? Who is this guy?"
    "Oh, it's your body now, is it? You sure didn't act like it over the past week having the time of your life in mine." That was... a fair assessment. She didn't have any intention of swapping back, she was having a lot of fun as Carson, and she though eventually he was going to give into his bodies desires, whenever they came around, but not like this.
    "Well... It was a lesson or whatever! What have you been getting up to?" Haley wanted answers, what was all this? What could she do to stop it? She was coping with all of the ramifications of this at once.
    "Well, I met Camden on the beach one day well you were gone and we've gotten along swimmingly. You can keep my body for all I care at this point." Carson flicked his now long hair out of his face as if he had always been a woman. Was this why Carson had started dressing more feminine and doing her hair and makeup recently? "He's a real man. The way he pulls my hair and fucks me raw until I can't see straight? The way he pushes me around and tells me what to do during sex? I can't get enough of it, your body is a real slut! Anyways, It's the life! And your not about to take that away from me."
    "But..." Haley couldn't let this go on, but Carson cut her off before she could get a word in.
    "But nothing! If your so curious about our relationship you can watch, but trust me, I'm not going to fuck some limp dick like my old one... or, well, yours, now." Carson left a shocked Haley stunned in the house well she spent time with her boyfriend out on the beach. Haley was going to have to figure out a new plan over the screams of Carson and Camden fucking in the next room over every night, because her current one most definitely failed.

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