Sunday, January 26, 2025

Milf Club - Penelope - TG Caption

MILF Club - Penelope

     Penelope once went by the name James. What sets her apart from all the other girls is that there never was a Penelope before she became who she is now. Penelope only became a thing once James became her. All she wanted was for her father to have a happier love life, she couldn't have ever anticipated that she would become a part of it. James didn't exist anymore though, only Penelope, an experienced but youthful woman who fell madly in love with her husband and married him not long after. All of those memories were implanted In her mind, they resurfaced slowly one after another and it was tearing her apart.
    On one hand, James logically rejected the idea that his Dad was his husband, and outright rejected the old memories of their time together as lovers. Even so, he knew Penelope was him. Like an alternate life he could have ended up with. And on the other hand was Penelope, whose heart still skipped a beat every time she saw her beloved hubby. Every moment was an internal conflict, and James managed to keep himself from crossing any lines for months. Penelope thought that by forming a group of like-minded women, more specifically women who found themselves in similar situations, she would be able to come to terms with some of the things going on in her life and figure out a way forward.
    As all of the women there shared their stories, Penelope realized that all of them had found some success in coping with their new lives by embracing the more “intimate” moments in their lives. Whether this was a healthy way of coping or not was up in the air, but all signs pointed towards Penelope doing something she had been hesitant to do since she changed… being intimate with her lover. The girls egged her on, Lily saying something about her “deserving to be loved” and Brooke outright encouraging her to “get some.” (Leave it to her to be incredibly brash.) With the supporting words of so many new friends, Penelope decided what was right for her. At that moment, Penelope felt that James and Penelope had become indistinguishable. Penelope came to terms with the fact that the life she lived as James was long gone, and she embraced the importance of the memories of her new life, the ones that everyone around her thought were true. They became one person, one mind, with one goal.
    “Hey, hot stuff.” Penelope's husband arrived at their bedroom to find his wife, face flush, dressed in a way that indicated their dry spell was finally over. Much more than that actually, the only time he could recall Penelope wearing that set of lingerie was the night they had gotten engaged.
    “Hey… you've been feeling down. Are you sure you're ready?” It was nice of him to ask. One of many things Penelope finds to be nice about him, but she was sure. She had never been more sure, really. Whether it was the convincing from her friends or the tension that had been building between the two of them for months now.
    “I've never been more ready.” And so the two of them entered a flurry of passion you would only see when two lovers hadn't had each other for much too long. A bedroom that was once purely functional became a platform for them to express their love, in every which way. As he entered Penelope she whispered in his ear, arms wrapped around him and fingers digging into his back “I really needed this.” And she really did.

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