Saturday, May 25, 2024

TG Caption: Reignite a Dying Star


Reignite a Dying Star

    Max was one of a handful of unlucky people to end up with a rare strain of second puberty, early onset milf. What this meant was that within the next month or so, the poor guy was going to get a lot older, and a lot more feminine. A lot more feminine was maybe an understatement, he was effectively going to become an attractive older woman. Second puberty can be really jarring for a lot of its victims, but this was as large of a shift that it could be. The doctors would still reassure Max that he could live a fulfilling and long life like this, but he was dreading the full change all the same.
    Max had hidden away for way too long, but he had to get out of the house at some point. And so, him and his friend Kyle were going to go eat something and find something to do for the day. It wasn't a date, as she had very heavily emphasized with him, and she didn't want anything weird to happen.
    "Max, is that you?" Kyle couldn't believe how much Max had changed, where did all that... "mass" even come from?
    "Yeah... Maxine now." Maxine twiddled with her thumbs, unable to look Kyle in the eyes. Kyle and Max were a strange match before he changed. Max was a pretty bland, unremarkable guy, but Kyle was relatively good looking, and single, for some reason.
    "Well... let's talk about you, yeah? What's going on with your life, what was the change like? Vent to me." Maxine initially didn't want to draw attention to her new form, but having someone to finally talk to about it was probably what she needed. She let out all of her grievances and worries. There was no going back from this, she was who she was now. She had prepared all she could, and even though she wasn't working at the moment she could coast through the next little bit thanks to a support fund for victims of the phenomena. Mentally, she was the same, sort of. A lot less testosterone and a lot more estrogen made for a very confused body, alongside one other issue...
    "The doctors had warned me that I would REALLY want to have a kid." A want for motherhood. As an instinct. It was a common trait of a lot of early onset milf victims.
    "Well... are you going to?" That was a sort of weird question to ask but... it probably wouldn't happen
    "Errr... I would have said no before changing, but I might if I could. They said despite everything that's changed, it's highly unlikely that I ever will." The two of them finished eating and talking and decided to go hang out at one of their houses, eventually settling on playing games or something at Maxine's house.
    "Oh hold on, pull over at the convenience store, I need to grab something." Kyle went inside and came out soon after with a bag with a few items inside.
    "What's that?" Not that it really mattered, but it was important enough to stop and grab.
    "Oh, nothing special. You might find out later." Later, huh? Must have just been some card game he wanted to play or some snacks.
    "Alright, here we are!" Maxine led her friend into her place.
    "It's really clean in here..." The apartment was really clean. Maxine had been holed up in here a while though, it would be premature to attribute that to any mental changes.
    "Yeah, well I haven't had anything else to do." They made their way past the living room of sorts, it wasn't a massive apartment, and made their way to her room. "Well, wanna watch something?" They sat down in front of the television.
    "Yeah sure..." Kyle set down his bag, and as it fell it revealed a couple different... fertility supplements and boosting pills?
    "Are those-" The sight of them set Maxine's libido through the roof. She wasn't sure she could end the day without relieving it somehow, and the perfect target had willingly made himself known.
    "Yeah, well, I thought you might want to try them and maybe we could-" Maxine fell on top of Kyle. She was in heat, not letting him finish what he was saying. She wanted him now, and he wanted her the whole time, she knew it, why take it slow when they could start the good part now?
    "Let's fuck." This was a big decision to make but it would make her feel better to just give into her new instincts.
    "Alright then, if you insist!" Kyle undid his belt and Maxine left him with little time to do anything else before she ripped his pants and boxers off and led his painfully erect dick to her pussy.
    "Oh my god yes. YES! It feels so good, real sex, not masturbation. It feels like my brain is melting..." She rode him for an hour or so without rest. They swapped positions and eventually made their way to the bed till Kyle couldn't spare one more drop of his semen she so desperately wanted deep inside of her.
    A month later and a lot has changed. Maxine and Kyle live together, they decided they might as well when they were in each other's beds every night, and they had been trying to get poor Maxine pregnant for a while
    "Well, what were the results?" Kyle sat up from lazily watching TV on the couch. He was beat, they had sex before she even left to get the test.
    "It's positive!!!" Maxine felt like she had fulfilled something she needed to do before she could be happy in this body living this life.
    "That's great!" Kyle was excited, if not a little nervous. He wanted this too, she was really hot, and nice too of course, but having a kid was big, and they had made the decision really haphazardly. That said, they were beating the odds here, they should be happy.
    "It is! Wanna fuck to celebrate?" Maxine made her puppy dog eyes. A very appealing gap from her normally mature and motherly appearance.
    "My god Maxine, you just don't stop, huh? Yeah, I guess, just for you." It was akin to reigniting a dying star.

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