Saturday, May 18, 2024

TG Caption: Expressing Themself

Exploring Themself

    "Hey Miku, take a look at this." Meiko made her way over to her performing pal with Twitter pulled up on her phone. What she showed her was something Miku was familiar enough with by now, Kaito's account. He was one of the types to constantly post updates about his life rather than just using it in a browsing or professional manner. The posts read like some fashion blogger had taken over his account.
    "Just painted my nails! They're so cute!" Attached was probably the first time Kaito had ever had his nails painted, if it even was Kaito
    "I've lost so much weight, so look at my new outfit!" Kaito's outfit in a woman's size, without an undershirt you could see his belly button... he really had slimmed out
    "Trying out a new hairstyle, what do you all think?" Kaito's hair was... not really different actually, just a lot less messy.
    "What... is this?" Miku was... confused. Her friend was acting in a way she had never seen before. She would assume it wasn't Kaito posting these, but the pictures were seemingly legit.
    "Well, me and Kaito were spending time with some friends of ours and... Kaito just wanted to explore himself a little more. Explore his feminine side. And she has, and she is happier than ever as a woman. Nothing is set in stone, but, y'know, I thought I should show you if you haven't seen her since, you've been busy after all." Meiko had dropped something of a bomb by saying that. Had Kaito seriously transitioned in such a short amount of time? Miku's friend had completely changed who they were between the times she saw them? "So what do you think?"
    "This all a bit sudden isn't it? Is it really a good idea for... "her" to go through with this?" Meiko had somewhat expected this, Miku was somewhat... naive. She didn't mean anything by denying Kaito's changes.
    "Well I don't see why not, she's happy isn't she? And she's the same fun Kaito we both know and love at the end of the day." That was... true, probably. Miku wasn't close to anyone who was like this. It was all something of a shock.
    "Yeah but... what will the fans think?" All of a sudden one of Crypton's biggest performers, a suave male, turns into a cute woman? "I don't get it..."
    "Ha! Don't take it so seriously girlie, if the fans don't like it that's fine, nobody is forcing them." Meiko put a hand on her friend's shoulder. "It's not really going to change that much, Kaito is just expressing herself the way that she wants to. Give it a try, for me?"
    "Sure Meiko... you're right. She's still my friend, let's go hang out with her now, why don't we?" Change is hard to understand from the outside, because you can't see what's going on inside of someone. But accepting who they are, or who they want to be, is what makes friendships last. And Miku and Kaito's friendship will.

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