Wednesday, May 29, 2024

TG Caption: Contested


     My daughter had been fighting off the advances of a boy who liked her recently, and its become too much so I've come to confront him myself. He won't leave Brittany alone, and she said she didn't want to be the one to directly tell him off herself because he was a large guy, apparently. At the end of the day, if he wouldn't listen to me, then we would have to get the authorities involved, but I'd rather not. I'd rather settle it man on man.
     "Hi, can I help you?" Daniel opened the door, annoyed, or maybe tired. Either way he wasn't in the mood to talk. This guy was pretty fuckin' jacked actually, and hardly wearing a thing. Not that it was an issue for me, I'm here to tell him off, what do I care what he is, or isn't, wearing.
     "Hi Daniel, I'm Brittany's father and we have to talk" I tried to put on my best face, since I knew if I didn't get the message across strong and quickly, it wouldn't stick with the guy.
     "Right, I know. Come on in, I've been expecting you..." He gave a smile like he knew something I didn't as I walked through the door. His living room was clean, except some women's clothing laid out nicely on the coffee table. Not that it was any of my business whats going on in his life.
     "Listen, Brittany isn't interested in you, and one way or another, you need to leave her alone."
     "I thought you might say that... Well, if I can't have her then you'll have to do..."
     "Excuse me? Wha-" He cut me off with a piercing glare. I doubled over and felt a warm rush through my body. Everything shrunk around me, I felt hair flow down my back, and it felt like my skin had tightened. All of my weight felt like it had shifted to my chest and my waist. Daniel had gone from imposing to devastating. My clothes didn't change, in fact, they drowned me now, my shirt had essentially become a dress. "What did you do to me?" I covered my mouth in surprise at the sudden shift in the tone of my voice.
     "Why don't you see for yourself?" Daniel ushered me to his bathroom where I saw that I was... my daughter?! I was the spitting image of her! "Perfect! Aww, look at your face, cute! Looks like Brittany is gonna have a twin!"
     "You can't leave me like this! Change me back!" I flailed at him a little bit but I wasn't a match for his size and strength before, much less now.
     "Now, now, that won't get us anywhere, do what I say and I might change you back, alright? And don't think about running, or else your stuck like this forever, girly."
     "Ugh... fine what do you want." I didn't know it then, but agreeing to do what he asked then was the beginning of a downward spiral, the nail in the coffin. We were gonna have a contest. And it wasn't going to be easy.
    "Well, for starters, put this outfit on, those clothes don't fit you anymore princess."
    He handed me the clothes I saw earlier, the bastard planned this whole thing out, didn't he? It was awful, changing into this slutty outfit in the bathroom. I should be disgusted, this is my daughters body, bit right now I only see it as my own... he messed with my head a bit, feminine stuff comes naturally, I even did a bit of makeup before coming out, even though he never explicitly told me to.
     "Lookin' good! Man, look at that ass, you turned out better than I could have imagined! Now come here, sit down."
     He reached around and grabbed my ass as I sat next to him, what a creep.
     "So, what do you say to a contest? We're gonna have sex, and the first one to make the other orgasm three times wins! Of course, if you can win, you're free to go!" It was going to be a long night.

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