Hello! I'm Ari and this is my blog! This all started out as a way to make a list of my favorite writers in one place, but evolved in me trying my hand at writing! I'm definitely no expert at writing, but the community could always use more creators and I hope I can provide that. I would love to receive as much feedback as possible from you all, have something to say about my captions? Comment it! Have any requests or ideas? Tell me! Let me know how you would like my captions to be formatted as well! Your participation will go a long way in making me a better writer, so please do! I suppose, with a new blog and all, perhaps an introduction of sorts is in order?
How Did You Discover TG Caps?
I discovered TG Captions because of Sailor Moon! In the show, there are three characters that change genders, the idea fascinated me enough for me to research the idea enough, only to stumble upon a caption! As a result, I've been reading them for at the very least five years or so, a new story from one of my favorite writers still excites me!
What Are Your Favorite Narrative Devices?
I find myself partial to a lot of common narrative devices, they are popular for a reason, of course. I hope that I can introduce some of my own, as anyone else has, but when I first visit a caption there are definitely tags I will go to check out first. I quite like reality changes, mind changes/break, second puberty, swap class, swapped at birth, as well as age regression. But its not limited to those, I like them all, an you can look forward of seeing a little bit of everything here. Its also worth noting that I like the dynamic of becoming ____'s girlfriend, be it a friend, or a relative.
What Are Your Favorite Writers?
If you ever want to see the ever growing list of creators I love, I will always have them linked on the side. However, if I had to name some off the top of my head, I visit Carly's Captions and Blu Byrdy's Caption Arcade often. On DeviantArt there are gems as well, a notable active creator right now for me is Felicia Dumont, definitely worth checking out.
That's all that comes to mind for me to answer today. As I've said, don't hesitate to ask me any questions you might have, I would be overjoyed to answer them. Thank you very much for visiting my site, and thank you even more for reading this mundane intro post. I can't fathom anyone ever taking interest in this page, but if I can have so much as one active reader, I would be more than satisfied.
See you next time!
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